Artists United

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Nighttime Photos

Gas Station Front Night 8/8/2012
 Some kids were hanging out at the Gas Station tonight and were curious about my taking photos. One of them became very interested in the work and began to talk about ideas for new installations. 

Gas Station Corner Adams and Palmer 8/8/2012

Gas Station Palmer Side Night 8/8/2012

Gas Station Back  Side Night 8/8/2012
 This is exactly what I hope the installation will do. If the work engages teen agers and makes them interested in creating artwork, we are ahead of the game.

The trees have grown up in the past four years, slightly obscuring the side of the Gas Station as seen from the Palmer Avenue side. 

Government, Of The and People are hidden.
Make, The Most and Of It are on the bottom row. 

The Back of the Gas Station takes a beating from the morning sun. Five year old Soren Axene's "Of" with jiggly eyes and squiggles is holding up well.  

I love the new lights!
Gas Station Canopy Side Night 8/8/2012

Gas Station from Adams Night 8/8/2012
The kids in the park were friendly, engaging and curious. It'll be fun if folks this age take up the banner of installing art here. 

I like the look of the Gas Station from Adams.  On these warm nights, it's fun to see neighbors enjoying the park and the art.

1020 E. Palmer at Adams in Glendale  91205